With diesel fuel prices near or at all-time highs, fleets and owner-operators are looking at all options to save at the pump.
One increasingly popular way to do that is to utilize weigh station bypass, and such a feature is easily accessible in the ISAAC solution. ISAAC is partnered with Drivewyze, the largest public-private weigh station bypass network in North America. Weigh station bypass opportunities are available at more than 800 locations in 49 states and provinces. Since no transponders are required, activation of Drivewyze on the ISAAC solution can be done quickly, with bypass information displayed on the in-cab tablet.
Who can benefit from weigh station bypass services?
There is the misperception that only the safest fleets are eligible to take advantage of weigh station bypass. That’s not the case. Any fleet can subscribe to Drivewzye PreClear weigh station bypass and begin getting bypasses. A carrier’s bypass rate is dependent upon its safety score, and as its safety score goes up over time, so does its bypass rate. The safer the fleet, the more likely bypasses will occur. The very top carriers receive up to a 98 percent bypass rate. Everyone is also subject to a random factor requiring an occasional pull-in.
Not needing to stop or slow down at weigh stations provides extra drive time and higher productivity. Time and fuel savings can add up quickly. U.S. Department of Transportation studies have shown the average time delay is close to five minutes and the estimated cost every time a truck gets pulled into a weigh station is $8.68. Now, multiply that by the number of trucks a fleet runs, and the number of weigh station stops made, and you can see how much time and money can be saved thanks to bypass. One of our clients, with a fleet of just over 1500 trucks, saved more than 2,600 gallons of fuel in just one month recently. And, they saved more than 542 hours in time thanks to bypass. Those are hefty numbers.
How does Drivewyze bypass work?
For those who are not familiar with bypass, here’s how it works: Drivewyze PreClear detects when your truck approaches a fixed weigh station or temporary inspection site that is Drivewyze enabled. Two miles out, thanks to geofencing, the service alerts the driver of the upcoming site, while transmitting the carrier’s safety information to the weigh station.
In many areas, with weigh-in-motion technology, vehicle weight information is also transmitted once the truck runs over the sensors. At the weigh station, safety scores, registration and IFTA tax compliance is automatically examined and validated against the bypass criteria established by each state. In Canada, province information is transmitted. If the carrier and vehicle meet the criteria, at one mile out, the driver receives permission to bypass the site. The driver is signaled to pull-in if there’s an issue, or if the random algorithm indicates it is time for a pull-in.
For ISAAC clients based in Canada, there is some added good news. Drivewyze offers bypass opportunities at 44 weigh stations in Ontario. Ontario now allows bypass for out-of-province carriers that have a National Safety Code (NSC) Safety Rating of “Satisfactory-Unaudited.” Specifically, if a carrier has trucks plated in a province other than Ontario, the NSC Safety Rating from that province is used. This is a “Canadian first” as there is no federally centralized data or any real-time data sharing between provinces.
What’s more, there are changes in Alberta, where Drivewyze has bypass opportunities at 57 weigh stations. Alberta is now fully open to all Alberta-plated carriers (beyond Alberta PIC) that are “Satisfactory-Unaudited” or better and are below R-Factor safety score thresholds. Currently, Alberta does not allow bypass for out-of-province trucks.
Get started with ISAAC and Drivewyze
In today’s world of higher operating costs, weigh station bypass may be worth a look for your fleet. We think it provides one of the best ROIs in the industry and it’s easy to access through the ISAAC solution.

About Drivewyze
Drivewyze offers embedded cross-platform connected truck solutions that span North America to serve a broad spectrum of the trucking industry. Drivewyze has moved the trucking industry forward with disruptive technologies designed to improve commercial transportation safety and efficiency. Drivewyze serves commercial drivers and fleets with innovative trucking services, such as the Drivewyze PreClear weigh station bypass and Drivewyze Safety+ subscription services. Drivewyze also offers the industry’s only enterprise freemium service that delivers in-cab public safety notifications and fleet Insights at no cost to fleets and drivers.