Solution Innovation

Innovation is not just a buzz word at ISAAC.

ISAAC strives to support trucking fleets’ evolving needs by substantially investing in research and development. Driven by this passion, we take concrete measures to future proof your in-cab technology.

ISAAC Instruments ELD logbook
Scouting for opportunities
Scouting for opportunities

Client involvement

Drivers, fleet owners and managers are the true trucking experts.

In addition to keeping a close watch on technology-related opportunities that emerge in the market, we stay connected to the realities of trucking through continuous discussion with trucking’s field experts such as our existing clients, our Client Advisory Board, and potential clients.

Learn from our clients

From ideation to creation
From ideation to creation

Innovation strategy

We evaluate and prioritize innovation opportunities.

Based on the potential positive impact of identified innovation opportunities, our product and technology experts plan for, develop and include the most value-added features in ISAAC’s upcoming solution versions.

View the latest innovations

Delivering innovation
Delivering innovation

Planned releases

ISAAC delivers innovative features to clients inside 4 targeted major solution versions each year.

Major version releases undergo a thorough quality assurance process that includes indepth testing by both ISAAC experts and a beta-testing team composed of real-life users. Each ISAAC client chooses the best time for performing the version update on their ISAAC server.

Open platform
Open platform

Third-party solutions

Enrich your team’s experience with added third-party functionality.

In addition to our evolving core solution, these third-party solutions help you meet additional needs with technology all within ISAAC’s solution.

Learn about our open platform

Data privacy
Data privacy

Data ownership policy

Protect the value of your business.

All of your connected devices and systems contain critical information about your operations, which ISAAC will never share without permission.

Watch our CEO’s pledge


Data protection

Safeguard your information.

As a responsible fleet management solution provider, we are committed to safeguarding your data using internationally recognized ISO-27001 standards.

Visit our cybersecurity page

Big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning
Big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning

Leverage your data

Enhance your decision-making capabilities with advanced telematics and quality data.

We know artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will play an important role in the future of trucking. That is why we are actively developing these capabilities to help bring your data-driven decision-making to a whole new level.

Time to move forward

Modernize your fleet with ISAAC’s advanced technology and stay ahead thanks to our ongoing research & development.  Our R&D team works ceaselessly to solve broad trucking challenges as well as specific issues for niche sectors.